Taste of Linden

Taste of LindenHome Page



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Red, velvet petals

on the pavement.

Like blood.

Someone has killed a rose.



I gave him

The flower of my joy

And he started to pluck the petals

She loves me,

she loves me not.

She loves me,

she loves me not...



Where are all those summer nights?

Whose past is hiding them?

Yours or mine?

Whoever remembers the first

will get the present.



Only when I had spoken

all my secrets,

I felt the deepest one.

Our human.



A child

            A sparkle

A man

            A star

An old man




In a fish.

Under the stone.

Under the wing of a white bird.




What do the sky lines hide?

Various bird roads,

the shortcuts of clouds

or maybe the trails of storms?

The first rain will wash out the secret.



Drops of lake on my skin.

Your kiss.

Hundreds of butterflies in the sky.



Me and my birds on the road.

One of them flies to the sky,

the other one stands on the road

and the third one sings from the treetop

when tired I sit under it.



There is a sparkle

in some people

and only sometimes

it sparkles in the night.

In others it smoulders

and is put out.

And only the few

shine like the stars

and carry the human race forward.



This is a Wonderland

my friend!

Every morning sun rises again

and the colours of sky

are never the same.

The tree under my window

is always in the new light.

This is a cruel world

my friend!

Like sky storms

himan wars break out

and people vanish

like tiny leaves

in the autumn wind.

This world is the mirror

of the sky my friend.

And we are the searchers,

children of a million years

who follow the sky lines,

the colourful patterns of the sky.

How many secrets are in front of us?

So many unknown ones

waiting on the road

behind the great sky line

where the seed of eternity

is hidden. In ourselves?




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A man turned around.

A woman smiled.

Far away

The golden peacock

Rose its head

Courting the sun.


Human trails

On the ground

The prints of heart.

Behind silence

Sleepy fish

Dreams of the




Somewhere behind those words

a flamingo is hiding

and silently drooping it's wings.

Noone has ever seen it.

Our silence

the rest of the bird.

Words, words, words

like the flatter of wings

of an awoken bird.




Slowly, very quetly

I approached my aim.

Green butterflies

were dreaming about my smile

and the snake stayed

somewhere in the grass.

All the walls were gone.

The endless valley

in the front of me.

Then a sound from the bush.



If you hide in the bush

I'll be the green forest bird.

In the lake my desire

is a red fish searching for you.

The mirror of our love

is made of thousand colours.

If you lose me, only in water

you'll be able to see

your real self.



Deep in the golden lake

we lost the pearls

of our past.

Now we're diving

deeper and deeper

looking at each other.

Maybe, we'll never find them.

But if we dive out right now

we'll come out hand in hand.



If you come back at dusk

you'll find me in the clothes of past.

I still keep your ancient flower

in the darkest corner of my hope.

Marianas and Isabellas used to have it.

Today it is growing

in the garden of my youth.

If you come back at dusk

you'll find me in the clothes of past.

Mariana, Isabella

a thousand year old woman.



Oh, we wealthy people.

Bathing in the sea of feelings.

Our hands are full of silver shells.

Oh, we wealthy people.

Like the Milky way

the glittering stones

of our existence are scattered

on the treshold of the Night sky.



Like a ray of sunshine

on a tiny petal.

Like a dew drop falling

down the weary grass.

Like a sudden meeting

of a bird and blue sky.

Smile of joy and happiness

on the face of a man.



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I'm alone.

Concrete buildings

are around me.

Moon is here

but the light only says:

"There is night, night around you".


I watch

the darkness as it grows

like a black flower out of sleepy souls.




When you sell out yourself

Only your suit will be left

and it will become important.

At the solourful newstands

where they sell false smiles

and stupidity

you will recognize yourself

on the front pages.

The sun set long time ago.

Put on your sweater.

Now you are hopless.



Stars are falling

from the sky.

Children put them

in their baskets

and carry them home.

- Your sky is empty,

he said,

No more stars,

while the ocean

is rolling in front of

your huts.

And only some

worried mother

looks trough the window,

swaying the craddle

with her hand and

putting away thr hair

from her face.

Her eyes are full of tears.

- Your sky is empty,

he said.

All the stars are

on the bank of the night.

I look up.

One more star

has fallen.

I make a wish.



I sit beside the river.

Like a bee I collect

the pollen of my reminiscence.

The meadow full of laughter,

bih blue sky and the smell

of summer in the grass.

All my forgotten joys

shine like the sun.

I open my eyes.

Dirty water and

some people passing by.

My eyes are full of tears.

They are falling down

into the past till

they reach the river

of my childhood where

they shimmer in the water

like white pebbles.



They put the night on fire.

From my window I watch it burning.

Our dreams shine like torches.

Leaning out of the window

I search for the hint of down

far in the distance.



We have become strangers.

We put on our long raincoats

and walk along the river bank.

Not a sound of wind

not a stir of a leaf

can reach us.

The nests on the tree tops

seem to be empty. Only one crow

on a barren branch.

I think

of the white

Polar light

far in the distance.

This night,

your movements,

the echo of my steps,

so far away from me.




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They have colourful dreams

in the crimson house of oblivion.

A shrimp on the stone

is living the dream of the sea.

Somewhere in the depth

a white shell from the dream is hidden.

Who dreams and who is being dreamt

under the yellow sun of the enromous sky?


He watches the world.




While I'm drinking tea

I feel the taste of linden.

On the terrace

a sparrow is resting.

The smell of winter.

I put down the cup.

Pleasant sound of china.



Dusk on the beach.

Summer day is dying.

The last bathers stare into the horizon.

A white sailboat is passing.

On the hoisted sail

it carries their hope.

Behind the hill,

behind thousand hills

where the sun rises again.




A hat.

A straw.

The taste of peach.

Restless sea is shaping waves.

In the depth the pulse of water.

Mother of all movements.

Is it beating like mine?



Natasha is afraid of water.

She cries and trembles

while the waves roll

towards her.

Then she takes her towel

and rubs the ball

wet from the sea.

And while her mother

and father are getting angry,

a tear slowly falls down

from her eye

as she silently watches

the fish swimming

in the water

under her legs.



When I close my eyes

cherries begin to bloom

and white petals

are around me.

I open them

and dry twigs

conquer the height.

Only the sky

above my eyes

is always wide.



Sunny afternoon

in my room.

The smell of

new-born summer.

We drink coffee

and put together

the green mosaic

of tranquility.

The seddlebags

full of unrest

are left outside.

Our words flow

like a river.




we're drinking wine

in my room.

You the red one

and me the white

and we toast

to the birth of the day,

while the world outside

is dying and people


Life is roaring

on the motorcycle.

The hat with

an orange feather

flaterrs through

the spring of  '87.

Above your hair

is a sleepy night sky.

You light the cigarette.

By the flame of your match

I say hello to your eyes.




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There she is...

down there dances Zuleika

swaying her hips like burning fire,

slowly, like a swan, moving her head

up to the sky, higher and higher.

There she is...

riding a yellow tiger.

She had tamed the wilderness powerfull, strong

pressed the black stripe with her human foot

and sang out her well-known ancient song.

There she is...

eye to eye with a cobra.

Silence is hiding them from the rest,

when the cobra leaves, the women stands up

with a secret in her heart like a bird in the nest.

There she is...

down there dances Zuleika

in the heart of sunshine, warm and dance,

throught space and time, on the golden dust

her ancient, never ending dance.




It's snake that I see

and it's snake that I hear

I can sense it in almost every strife

and the snake is waiting outthere and hissing

hidden in the wilderness of urban life.

I run down the concrete streets of hatered,

tired of troubless and out of breath

and only sometimes I close my eyes

and dream of happiness in this desert of death.

All the things merge into darkness,

poisonous colours, all sounds that I hear,

still I keep on running faster and faster

alnong the rotten higway of fear.

It's snake that I see

and it's snake that I hear,

I can sense it almost every day,

this world is full of it's poisonous lies,

rattling and hissing everywhere.




Pale and silent tender leafy

by the spring of water green

feeling lonely, lost and dreary

bent her branches soft and weary,

tears of dew are in the stream.

Quickly flows the shining river,

drops of water all like one,

searching for the pridefull tree

by the door of Mother see

rolling under yellow sun.

Up there stands an ancient Oak,

like a giant strong and high

to embrace the sadfull tear,

(joyfull as it's coming near)

sending love towards the sky.

Mighty sun warmed up the valley

and the willow gave a cry,

all the leaves are new and green

while the old ones down the stream

with the water passing by.

Pale and quiet tender leafy

all alone in forest deep

felt the end is coming near.

Sun King sat then came a tear

and forever she will weep.
