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There is no time my friend

to sink into reveries about the past.

A long black cloud is approaching

and once again an ancient bird

is coming out of the broken egg.

Yesterday and today merge into

tomorrow and we become

what we have always been,

without knowing it,

suppliers of freedom,

the winged guardiands of the world.

There is no time my friend

we passed through emptiness

long time ago.

New age is in front of us.



Sunny afternoon and the open window,

I recognize the signs of youth,

children's laughter and flowers in bloom.

Some new faces of the well-known people

remind me of a new-born age.

The whole world can hear the cries.



My tears are frozen.

I don't cry anymore.

Only sometimes they

glisten in my eyes

like snow.

The winter of my face.



I have forgotten my name.

I turn at the sound of wind

and the chirps of birds.

Even silence can perplax me.

In my dream I hear a voice.

Is it someone calling me?



As far as I can see

The vast expanse of my sorrow.



I wanted to say something

but I lost a word.

It disappeared down

the childish paths of shiness

and it hid in the confusion

of my eyes.

Since then,

I've become a warrior.

As the time sharpens my sward

I learn the courage of speaking.



My sorrow comes

like a tide.

I watch your ship

disappearing from

the horizon and

entering another harbour

so far from this bay

where the Moon

lights up

the kingdom of silence.



The door of that world is closed.

I cannot remember the past,

although I long for it.

I live in this very moment

of torn flowers and windy smiles,

where only twigs and reed are left

singing their heartless songs.



How deep is my sorrow.

Like snow it

falls down my hair

melting in the winter sun.













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I climb up the stairs of horror

and approach the altar of darkness.

The winds of time entangle my hair

and my tears are full of dreams.

Starry sky is like the embroided shourd,

covering this vast expanse of silent darkness.




The show is over

and people are

quetly leaving.

In the back wagons

tired clowns

take off their clothes.

A child runs out.

The night is there

to greet him

and the endless sky

is full of stars.



We're on the road to past.

Having removed cobweb from the sky,

we find a long forgotten world.

Darkness decorated with stars

and a hundred of wishes

to light up our way.




Spring bride!

Throw your wreath

to the people.

Let it touch

the heart of the

smiling one.

And give him strenght,

you, who were chosen

by wild flowers,

to survive alone

amidst stars,

while he is looking

for the sparks

of his true being

in this hot darkness.



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What a nice day!

The hours flow quietly

like a river.




I am overwhelmed with joy.

I pass you the suger

and I start to laugh.




The coolness of the morining

and the restless world

in your kitchen.

While I stand barefoot

on the cold floor,

I try to remember

the dream I had

last night.

I can still feel

it's taste.


you sleep

on your pillow of hope,

waiting for the messengers

of life.

I don't want

to wake you up.

Covered with desire

I practise the maths of love,

multiplying sparks and

adding hearts.

Remembering the night


Everything is still here.

Empty glasses and white paper

on your table.

Morning kaleidoscope.

I drink my coffee

and watch the sky.


I wake up again.



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I play the game of spring.

I put on my clothes made of

dreams and grass.

I smile at the Sun

and say Hello to the stars.

My reflection is in the river.

Then, I pronounce your name.

Very slowly, hardly moving my lips,

Maybe I will never find you.

Maybe you are lost

in the castle of butterflies

searching for your own colour.


I dream about my summer

on the edge of world.



Sometimes you leave.

Following your shadow

down the green way

of your dreams.

Then I am alone.

In the transparent

mornings I put on

my heavenly clothes

of hope.

The days are passing


I stop by the river

to great the water

I wait for you

in silence.

At night I wake up

and listen

to the song of wind.



Old songs bring back

forgotten thoughts.

There were so many

wishes on the road,

while we were waiting

for a lift. Nothing

was important but

life itself.

Sometimes I am sad when I think

My sadness comes

slowly and again

I see the yellow world

and my heart is full

of joy. My hope returns

like a wite rose

from my dreams. Somebody

has given it to me

as a present.

I haven't seen his face.



Many years ago

I used to wander

in the summer afternoon.

The whole world around me

was shining and glittering.

As if I had seen no one,

I just walked about

admiring the streets and

the people. They all seemed

to make one song, one picture

which was a part of a dream.

I didn't know who was dreaming it,

I was also only a part of it.


Drawings by Milo{ Prajzovi}: - Prposko, - Nikad robom, - Jaje u povoju.

Pictures: Leonardo, Claude Monet, Sandro Botticelli, Paul Gauguin.

Details from the chinese and japanese pictures and drawings.

Thera-frescos (details and fragments) and vases.

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