My name is Zarkic Nenad - Nesha and I am 18 years old, the date of my
birth is 6. April 1980. I am from the capital of Yugoslavia Belgrade(White Town).
Beograd is e of the oldest cities in Europe and I like it very much.
I go to tehnical school " Petar Drapsin ". My course
is " Tehnician for computer design ". I have been playing basketball for 6
years and I also like to play football, tennis and volleyball. In one word
I am " the sport man ". O yeah you are right it`s three words. I don`t really
like to spend my time by myself. I like to meet new friends, especialy pretty
girls. There`s one more thing that it`s like some kind of dream, and that`s
traveling. I just love it. Languages, different cultures,people, their
traditions have always been my interest.
My goal is to have a good time as
much as possible !!!!!