Goran Marjanovic
To my opinion,
the magnificient building in Colorado Springs, the device which Nikola
Tesla constructed to make experiments with wireless conveyance of energy,
is not the „usual transformer“, as it is oftenly described, it is really
the mashine of the extremly great complexity (despite of its apparently
simple construction), and it is actually some kind of „overunity“
This device was, as many others with similiar
construction, often compared with Marconi's and likewise
radio-transcievers, whose operations were based on classicall (Hertzian)
EM waves – described detailly by Maxwell equations. Although, we have to
consider the fact that wireless conveyance of energy Nikola Tesla wanted
to achieve was based on the waves of „different nature“. He constantly
indicated this fact and there are numerous and very precise written
arguments. One of these confirmations can be found in his US patent number
5 780 from 19.02.1900., „Apparatus for transmission of electrical energy“
/5/ where Nikola Tesla says:
"... It is too noted that the
phenomenon here involved in the transmission of electrical energy is one
ELECTRICAL RADIATION which have heretofore been observed and which from
the very nature and mode of propagation would render practically
DISTANCES as are of practical importance. ..." As we can see Tesla in this
document is very clear and without ambiguity points to the fact that his
system of wireless energy transmission ISN'T based on (classicall) EM
waves, so there isn't understandable persistence in many assertions to
explaine the work of his mashines through the principles Maxwell founded,
principles involving expansion of (Hertzian) EM waves, waves with limits
(extinction with its square lenght) Nikola Tesla undoubtless was very
aware of.
All analisies of Tesla achievments and principles of his
devices, their functionality and eficiency, were done from an aspect of
scientificly valid theories, but theories that don't operate with
phenomenon of Tesla's Non-Hertzian waves, which doesn't even exist in
those theories, (according to our idea published in /6/ that posibility
can be accepted in the form of wave with evanescent mode / “Maxwell“ waves
with negative wave number/), so the conclusions are in line with that
analisys. They aren't precise, to say it in the most apropriate manner.
An example is given in /1/ with conclusion that energy weakens
with its lenght square (classicall EM wave), which will make very limited
transfer (to short distances and/or with small amounts of power, which is
uncorrect concerning the Teslian waves, beucause the waves on their way
from “emitter“ to “receiver“ can be mulitple amplified through the effect
of multiple “feed“ of stationary wave, so to say – the same effect Tesla
uses in his “extra coil“ and gets the voltage of about 12 million Volts!
From an Energy Density Quantification (EDQ) model point of view
(as indicated in /6/), Non-Hertzian Nikola Tesla's waves are quite really
posiblle existing Stable Object of Unity, the same as all others
scientifically known objects, those objects with corpuscular or wave
nature. Further more, expected characteristics from Teslas waves offered
by EDQ model are completely in accordance with characteristic of “unknown
waves“, who have unusual features detected by “unconventional“ experiments
using the devices from “alternative“ physics areas, populary called
“overunity“ mashine.
According to the datas from the Tesla's diary
from Colorado Springs (/3/), the final version of “transformer“, in
contrast with the most of other of his discoveries, is achieved after the
number of subsequent experiments and many alterations. It is very well
known that Tesla imagined his devices first, he “saw“ them to smallest
detailes. He could also follow and analise their work in his thoughts,
perfecting them, and after this proces he made them (some of them are made
many years after), without the need for corections. However, his mashine
(Tesla's “transformer“) from Colorado Springs, appeared to be an
exception. Numerous modifications and many alterations he made through the
construction process, indicate that he imagined EXCEPTIONALY COMPLICATED
mashine inspite of its pseudo simplicity, and he made very complicated
device with far more extent of complicity than numerous devices Tesla
constructed without any effort. The question that comes the next: “Had
Nikola Tesla achieved his goal after all?“, will be left without the
reliable answer, concerning the fact his experiments with wireless energy
transfer were stopped in their final phase (the monumental tower in Long
Island was never finished), and his other similiar experiments (for
example – experiments with radiant energy) were left with very little
Whatever the case may be, our opinion is that the
work of Teslas “transformer“ can hardly be explained with classicall,
conventional methods. It is really more than tragic, as Keneth Corum says
(/7/), that many, highly competent, expirienced and educated people use
construction with concetrated parametars, and even inductors, calling them
Tesla's coils, alluding thier interaction with classical EM waves (for
science - the only existing Hertzian waves). And more than that, Tesla's
“extra coil“ – quarter-wave resonator which HOLDS the energy (it presents
anthena that doesn't emit), and (if the spiral coil is properly adjusted)
through the relation of voltage of standing wave, it enables huge INCREASE
of voltage („pressure“ as Tesla said) – and until this day for many people
it represents (just) an “(un)usual coil“. And they don't pay attention to
the fact that eliminating the great amounts of losses (due to the radiance
or “prematurely“ emitting streamlines /wich are actually “mistakes“ in the
process of wireless energy transmission/, because of their poor
construction), can be attained with simple tuning of coefficient of mutual
inductance with endurance of spark (and Tesla says that very clearly in
his patents). These are probably the main arguments that cause the fact no
one and not until now never achieved (in the sence of the work eficiency,
not the lenght of the “spark“ ) the results that are near the ones Tesla
achieved in his time.
Image1: Schematic
display of Tesla’s “Magnifying
Amplifier” |
Concerning this type
of thinking, there is also the evidence that the work of Tesla's
transformer was often acompanied with the series of unususal effects and
lightning balls (probably the most interesting of them all) were just the
obstruction for Tesla in his work, beucause they devastated and destroyed
his equipment, and he was forced to research them very well and he tried
to controle them. Although, there are various scientifical interpretations
of this phenomenon, their “structure“ and mechanism of genesis isn't
clearly defined yet, so thier appearence is more or less, even in this
time, random.
As we shall see in the following sequence, Tesla's
“transformer“, from an EDQ model point of view, has ALL key
characteristics completely identical with “overunity“ machines. Concerning
that fact, it is completely justified to expect similiar effects those
devices show in their work, so the appearence of lightning balls heavily
streghtens our basic idea that Tesla's “transformer“ can not be described
in any way with clasicall concept of transformer, beucause Tesla
INTENTIONALY WEAKENS mutual inductance with attached coil, which is
exactly the OPPOSITE with apperhension of energy conveyance efficiency by
induction in the classic sence and that is the main characteristic of
transformer. And further more, we have to admit that the concepts of
radiance and standing waves, the characteristics of this device, are more
appropriate to the concept of “Magnifying Amplifier“ Tesla used, than the
idea of “transformer“ unfortunatlly used these days so offten.
Taking all of these facts into consideration, as well the
characteristics of Teslas waves (object k = +9 EDQ model) let us try to
analize electro-mechanic structure of Tesla's transformer and point of
their harmonised interaction, their “resonance“ intercourse. In that way
our assumption presented in /1/ isn't just amplified (that Tesla's waves
are the ONES that carry the “free“ energy), it also points to the
possibillity and very certain probability that Teslas Magnifying Amplifier
could be some kind of energetic converter of “free“ energy!
analises about the work of Teslas transformer done so far, are made by
various authors, based on classicall scientific approach and they cover
calculations of series of parametars, for instance: spiral inductivity,
(auto)capacity, mutual inductance coefficient and so on. In the
tehnical-matemathical sence of meaning they are really very correct.
Unfortunatlly, some conclusions, as a necessary consequence of this point
of view, are not in accordance with ideas and experimental results Nikola
Tesla attained. A certain limitations classicaly explained by relativity
theory (for instance - speed of light postulate) disables
“multidimensional“ understanding of Tesla's device “geometry“, and
according to that fact its dimensional higher “structures“ of
interactions, which is by our opinion, decisive for those unclear
understandings and interpretations of real energetic transformations
globally, and specially in the state of “spacetime“ deformations
(extremely strong fields, shortimed impulses...), and for that fact
operation of Tesla's transformer is unclear, wireless energy conveyance is
uneficient (impossible) and many other Tesla's ideas are simply –
absurdity. EDQ model shows us quite opposite possibillities.
Image 2:
Hertzian/Non-Hertzian flows of
energy |
According to our
understanding, learned by expiriance from great number of accomplished and
detailly analized experiments, Tesla tried to make his devices (for
(wireless) energy conveyance, beside “ordinary“ electro-resonant
(inductance and capacitance relations), satisfy some sort of “mechanical“
resonance, and because of that he gave lot of his attention to the
“geometry“ of construction integrity. And there are many detailed analises
of influences made by various changes of spiral coil radiuses, wire
thickness, spacing between certain coils, spiral hights, their positions,
If he paid attention just to electrical resonance, all
those details would be less important, because they could be very quickly
and easily compensated. In addition to this kind of thinking there is a
fact that initial size in extra coil construction wasn't (as an example)
the number of coils, as it'll be logical, but the LENGHT of wire, wich
should be, as Tesla asserted, (approximately) equal to one quarter of wave
lenght of electrical disturbance in circuit /3/. And further more,
principal: as much copper in primary – the same in the secundary (the less
coils with thicker wire on primary should have similiar mass as greater
number of coils made from thiner wires on secundary). And to make the
mashine get into the resonance with Earth and make its work more
efficient, Tesla gave those instructions:
“1) 2)
Radius of Earth should
be odd multiple number of qaurter vawe lenght; Oscilations should
be of those kind which produce very small radiance of energy in
Hertzian electromagnetic waves sence (!!!) The most important
demand is to make oscilations last longer than 0.084 sec, which is
expected time for wave to go forward and back from the other side of
Earth...“ |
Tesla achieved
resonance with freqvency of secundary in electrical sence, with carefully
selected choice, to be exact - with adjusting dimensions of „Top-load“,
capacitor (with ball or thorus shape) placed on the top of spiral. Round
body with smooth surface was necesery for avoidance of „prematurely“
currents (energy losses), and its size defined capacity - which made extra
coil to become a quarter-vawe resonator, with infinite resistance (high
impendance) on the ballast side, so that the wave could be reflected
without change of phase, while on the secundar side the resistence was
minimal (low impendance - small inner resistence of „electrical curent
generator“), which made the wave repulse while chaninging the phase for
180 degrees. In that way the wave makes itsself in phase with “new
arrived“ wave from “generator“. So to say, the expedition of the wave
along the ?/4 lenght cable to “the end“ and back lasts one half of period,
so now the double reflected vawe is in phase with source wich continues to
inject energy in line /7/. Their superpositioning makes the energy of
waves increase and the process of energy “feeding“ of stationary vawe is
repeating until it reaches breakthrough tension and thermogenetic losses
are finally equal with wave energy...
Compatibility of this
decribed mechanism is simply undeniable with EDQ model. Tesla hadn't been
introduced with postulates of this model, but he managed to reach some
sort of “basic“ electro-mechanical resonance with his device using
numerous number of corrections. In those corrections it can easily be
noticed the convergence of basic sizes to values our model proclaims. For
instance (according to his notes /3/) Tesla decreases the number of
secundary coils from 40 in the beggining to 38, and than to ...20, 18, to
final 17, and he attains the REAL value of wire lenght... Similiar
happened with primary, and especially with an extra coil. All those
experiments are very well described in details in the diaries of his
Finally, we can expose thoughts about “Tesla's coils
secret“ and interpret structural energy transformations which are
happening in Tesla's transformer. And we can decribe how Tesla's
“Magnifying Amplifier“ actually works.
Shematic presentation of
Tesla's “multidimensional resonance“ is given in picture 1., while the
picture 2. shows simpler version presented for the easier distinction
between main parametars corelations.
Red color shows what classical
scientific analisis can describe and count, and blue color shows
non-Hertzian (my) version. It can easily be seen that classsical Hertzian
“resonance“ doesn't allows full “closing“ of energy transfer. Consequences
of this are losses, because the cycle isn't finished, it is “half done“!
Results are mostly just big “sparks“ without any use and small amounts of
energy emitted in classical EM vawes form. All together this represents
almost whole loss of energy. But “Non-Hertzian“ analisys points to
opposite efect!
We have to emphazise that “final“ version of
Colorado Springs “transformer“ was analized here, but Tesla usualy used
the “standing wave“ efect almost from 1893. (actualy it was “spatial
wavelenght compression factor“...). The truth is, according to /7/, that
the year 1894. is the year of Teslas true spiral (velocity inhibited,
distributed-element, slow wave transmision line resonator). Now we have
the fact that the efect of increase of voltage GREATLY extents “maximal“
value Vout=Vin*(Cpr / Csec)2 which is allowed by curcuit theory with
concetrated parametars (in ideal case). This is the efect Tesla used
earlier. The main difference is this: increase (amplifying) of voltage is
limited only by insulation values between “top-load“ and its surroundings.
And this is the case for resonator with distributed parametars, when
losses are reaching zero. The goal here is to (for details see /7/) to
achieve as smaller as possible structural losses and to KEEP as bigger as
possible higher VSWR, wich is opposite from what Hertzian waves do, work
Marconi did, for instance. The fact Tesla was completely misunderstud in
his time, doesn't have to make us wonder, but the level of todays
misunderstanding is not appropriate for contemporary scientific knowledge.
However, the real greatness of Tesla's achievements can be described now
from an aspect of EDQ model, and that'll be ilustrated in following
According to the classical-scientific explanations,
primary and secondary of Tesla's "transformer" are in fact a powerful
electric oscillator with low internal resistance, which supplied an extra
coil - a quarter-wave resonator with distributed parameters. Due to the
effect of standing wave voltage supplied to the output is proportional to
the strength of currents at the entrance, which is why the secondary is
designed as a current (not voltage) generator! Stresses that are obtained
in this way and practicaly reach a few tens of millions volts - have
really nothing to do with the transformer turn ratio (E2 =/= E1*(N2/N1),
or induction (E2 =/= M di/dt) as the classic transformers do. As for
energy radiance, to its (wireless) transmission, we don't know any single
scientific model that is not based on classical Hertzian EM waves, which
completely INVALIDATES Tesla's basic idea and fully discounts a number of
his notes that the system for wireless transfer of energy he used is based
on the waves of an altogether different kind! According to the Tesla, his
"transformer" from Colorado Springs broadcasts that certain kind of
“other“ kind of waves. As one can see in /1/, these waves correspond to
the object k = +9 of EDQ model.
From the aspect of our model,
Tesla's "transformer" from Colorado Springs really is a very strong
oscillator, galvanically coupled with quarter-wave resonator, as
interpreted by modern science, which enables the achievement of enormous
stress, much bigger than it is possible to achieve in any other known way.
However, the model indicates that the Teslas transformer is much more
complex machine. That mashine is multidimensionaly resonant, as “with
itself“ (some elements of mashine with each other) and also with their
entire enviroment, including the Earth (ie, macro-structure) and “vacuum“
(micro-structure). Or, it can be said - in the terminology of the model,
“outside" and "inside", which enables much more complex processes of
energy "oscillation" and energy transformation some of the classic
(Hertzian) device simply can't achieve, because the necessary conditions
of "multidimensional resonance“ are not fullfilled.
According P.D.
Ouspensky (G.I. Gurdjiev), IN SEARCH OF A WONDERFUL, fragments of an
unknown teaching", one of the basic laws of the universe is the law of
number 7 or law of octave. In order to understand the meaning of this law,
it is necessary to observe the universe as something that is made up of
vibration and which is quite analogous to the interpretations of Walter
Russell's in "everything is light!“ ... In this context, vibrations are,
according to the accepted view in the west, continuous. This means, and is
generally considered, that the vibrations occur constantly with
strengthening or weakening effect until the initial force of momentum
lasts. The initial force that caused the vibration, and that overcomes the
resistance in the environment in which the vibrations take place
The ancient knowledge
establishes vibration from the discontinuity of vibration principle,
which is quite identical to our terms of quantum density of energy
(space-time). The principle of vibration discontinuity means
definitive and indispensable feature of all vibrations in nature,
either to strengthen or weaken, to develop, not uniformly, but with
periodic acceleration and deceleration.
These laws are
illustrated in Picture 3 by eternal movement eneagram (P.D.
Ouspensky) to which the people looked from the most ancient times
and searching beyond them selves what was in them, trying to
construct a perpetuum mobile the way mechanical machines are
constructed (3D), while the true “perpetuum mobile” is a part of a
complex, multidimensional, eternal movement and can not be created
separately from that structure.
Image 3: Eneagram
of P.D. Ouspensky |
Observation of any
form of vibrations through the octaves that are developed according to
specific, generally applicable laws of nature, leads to the conclusion
that if at the time when it is necessary, i.e., when given octave runs
through some of its interval, "additional shock" enters into it. And that
“additional shock” corresponds to the strength and character of the
octave, so the octave will continue to develop smoothly in its original
direction, without losing anything and without modifying their nature.
It is really very interesting to note (Picture 4) that the only
Tesla’s construction of "transformer" from Colorado Springs is amended
with so-called extra-coil. And this construction is completely analogous
to the transformation of the structure of energy contained in the
fragments of an unknown teaching! The real curiosity is the fact that the
terms (necessary) shocks can join the key elements of Tesla’s "over-unity"
machine - in which the first shock corresponds to the classical (ind.,
cap.) resonance of basic (primary, Hertzian type) oscillator. In that case
just the first condition is fulfilled, the first condition for the
development of vibration (energy transfer) while the other shock is
enabled only by resonance of "extra coil - top load" couple (!!!), which
allows "closing the circle" and the achievement of FULL, MULTIDIMENSIONAL
oscillation, i.e. transfer of energy without loss!!!
Namely, it is
known that in classical (ind., cap.) oscillatory circuits, the energy
oscillates between the coils and condensers (or more precisely - between
inductive and capacitive elements of oscillatory circuit), changing its
form from "electrical power of capacitors" to "electromagnetic energy of
coils, and vice versa.
Teslas transformator also represents
oscillator but of "dimensionaly" higher "form", where the oscillations,
flows and “transfer“ of appropriate forms of energy, going through the
traditional "outside"(in "here") and their results are Hertzian waves, but
synchronously-simultaneously (in this case it does not involve the
classical notion of simultaneity), and quite another, "unconventional"
means, (according to EOU model /6/ as an integral part of our reality)
"inside" (in "there"), by k = +9 object. Or according to Tesla "completely
new types of waves“, WHICH ARE, obviously, THE REAL GOAL of adding the
ENERGY, which is why Tesla is trying to undermine the more Hertzian waves,
which only bother him.
From the analysis of the values of certain
elements of the Teslas transformator, one can see that he used incredibly
lucid structure and aligning LITERALLY ALL parameters, height and diameter
of the coils, the number of coils, spacing between them, thickness of
wire, and most importantly, its length. Nikola Tesla managed to adapt
"size" of certain elements to each other, as on „this“ side and as with
"other" side, to the incomprehensible precision.
- Thanks to a
strong magnetic connection, the primary is allowed to interact with the
secondary from "this side" by Hertzian waves, although their fundamental
resonant frequencies are different.
- Galvanic connection between
the secondary and extra coil enables strong mutual interactions from
“this“ side, but in the form of electricity, while the energy transfer by
Hertzian waves weakens by magnetic coupling reduction to a minimum. Very
careful construction and choice of coil elements, despite the apparent
significant differences (eg number of secondary turns is 17, and the extra
coil 100) allows their mutual resonance and interactivity from the "other"
side, while the "values" corresponding forms of energy "from there"
(Non-Hertzian waves) “see“ are almost identical (see Pic. 2). This is the
very essence of Teslas discoverie and the key difference of the specific
model of Teslas transformator to the most modern replica that take account
only of "Hertzian" (ind., cap.) properties of certain elements of the
- All modern
researchers agree that the crown of Teslas hard work and years of
research in the field of wireless energy transmission is his extra
coil. From the aspect of our model it is, to say the least, a
miracle! Unusual structure of the coils, beside its secondary
resonance with “this“ and “other“ side, Tesla also achieved its
resonance with the primary coil, of course, from the “other“ side,
allowing it (at the same time) the energy oscillation of energy
between the primary and extra coil in “Non-Hertzian" form. In fact
he achieved the "Non-Hertzian oscillator“, transmitter of
non-Hertzian waves - the first in the history of our
From the done analysis it is quite clear that
Tesla intentionally weakens Hertzian waves that are
ineligible (attenuation is proportional to the inverse of the square
of the distance) for the transfer of energy, building "antenna that
does not broadcast" classic, Hertzian form of EM waves, but that
antenna broadcasts those waves "on the other side" in their "upside
down faces form“ of these Teslas waves. |
Image 4: Tesla’s
“Magnifying Amplifier” as Multidimensional
Oscillator |
This is the very
essence of the idea of Teslas wireless energy transfer (eg /8/), which
even today many are not aware of. It is, as we showed, based on building
k=+9 object, model of quantized density of energy, which by its structure
represents subluminal waves in the "here", as well as superluminal
particles in “there“, as are, in our model, only two different views of
the same reality.
Our assumption expressed in /1/, that Tesla's
Transformer represents some kind of "mechanical laser" is now further
strengthened as the analogy is complete. Let us recall. In the process of
stimulated emission of light (LASER) energy of xenon lamp - is resulting
in the higher level of electrons in excited state within the “optical
cavity“ – ruby crystal for example. Returning to their basic level, they
emit light, which is then reflected between the mirrors, to and from,
giving rise to new electrons, etc. .,..., and wave energy increases to a
limit when the light "escapes" exit (semipermeable) mirror ... In Tesla's
"Transformer" energy of "Hertzian oscillator" that is made of a
combination of primary-secondary, is inserted in the "Non-Hertzian"
oscillator that consists of an extra coil and primary, where the
quarter-wave resonator is forming standing wave by successive reflections.
The energy of that wave is gradually growing to the desired
finally - a few words about the receiver of Teslian waves.
Personally I don’t know any data which Nikola Tesla (perhaps) left
regarding to what could be a "receiver" of his non-Hertzian waves.
However, the EDQ model offers us reasonable features of such
From the point of view of classical science –
the basic element of the receiver (Hertzian) EM waves is the
antenna, which may take the form of rod, dipole, helicoidally coils,
or more complex form depending on the wavelength, the use of antenna
and a range of other parameters, but they all aim to achieve the
most favorable resonant conditions to detect changes in the volume
strength (frequency, phase), electric and/or magnetic
When it comes to Tesla's technologies, according to
our research, Tesla’s (Non-Hertzian) waves include much more
complicated form of energy fluctuations than electromagnetic waves.
They include "synchronous-simultaneous vibration" of all
interactions known in science for now, as "outside" and as "within”
the arbitrary but finite (concave, for the approved number of
dimensions) part of a single, multi-dimensional, micro-macro
structure of space-time (see /1/).
This indicates that as
one of their dimensionally lower projection of available 3D +1 T
part of reality for us, can be expected to be unsustainable form of
waves (Maxwell waves with negative wave numbers, see /2/) and also
the corresponding mechanical and gravitational oscillations !
Concerning our interpretation of Tesla’s Non-Hertzian waves, their
"receiver" would have to be able to allow reception and transfer of
energy to a much more complex way than electric dipole.
Image 5:
Multidimensional flows of energy |
in the case of EM
waves or membrane in the case of sound (mechanical) waves for example.,
where the flows of energy in "here" and "there" are quite analogous to the
principles of the river wheel functioning, which is illustrated in Picture
It is clear that
modifying blades when the wheel is only "on the one side” (eg. windmill)
can get a certain amount of movement, but in that case it is several times
smaller than the one that gets using multidimensional structure. From here
it is clear why Tesla has no loss of energy, while with Hertzian waves it
decreases with the square distance.
And to conclude. Expecting
form of the Tesla’s waves receivers should be identical to the structure
of what is on their transmitter side of the generator - therefore, to an
extra coil!
Its technical, overall-electric parameters are deriving
from actual working conditions and significantly differ from the values
that are characterized by transmitting "extra coil”. The reason for this
is much higher energy density on the side of the transmitter for which
local deformation of space-time structure is appearing and expression of
relative effects - which result in a change to a series of parameters,
including permeability and permittivity of the environment. Tesla had this
in mind (although he was a great opponent to relativity theory) and his
operating frequency calculations at full power unit are significantly
corrected in comparison to the frequency of small power at work which can
be found very precise information in his diary from Colorado Springs
Given the ideas put forward in more of our works /6/, where we
point out to the number of analogies between the number of atoms, solar
systems, Shuman spectrum, Tesla waves, and other (stable) objects of
Unity, it is very easy to see that Tesla’s transformer in Colorado Springs
presents "reduced” variant of the Solar System, which is itself a
“smaller” version of (Eternal Oscillating) Universe since it respects the
same laws, harmony and overall harmony of the visible to the entire, vast
scale from micro to macrostructures…
Copying nature, Nikola Tesla
immensely liked and respected, he was able to actualize one of the many
ideas designed to benefit Mankind. Will this option be used in our near
future, it’s the fact that no longer depends on him personally
All our settings are very easy to verify in practice. The
possibilities are many and various. From eg. "Comptons effect“ for the
area of the EM spectrum that our model is "assigned" to Tesla waves (in
our model, the expected change in frequency of reflected wave is just a
few Hertz) to eg. measuring the phase difference of signal on an extra
coil (expected time of tunneling is in the time order in microseconds), in
this model it is attributed by a role quite analogous to the kind
“tunneling device“ has, for example, in Superluminal experiments of G.
Nimtz's /2/ ...
1. “ Teslion as
Tesla's waves quant carrier illustration“ (G.Marjanovic ®
“Superluminal signal velocity”, G. Nimtz, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7 (1998)
7-8, 618-624.
3. “
U.S. Patent 649 621 - Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy -
1900 May 15 - Related to , US645576;
6. “Energy Density
Quantification model “ and model of Eternal Oscilating
7. “Tesla Coils and the
Failure of Lumped-Element Circuit Theory“,
8. “Improvement in the
Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural
NikolaTesla, Canadian Patent 142,352.
9. “Electric Scalar
Waves – Rewiev to Meyl`s Experiment, Andre
10. Corum Ball
11. Electrical
world and engineer, March 5, 1904, Nikola Tesla
12. Nikola Tesla`s
Wireless Systems, Andre Waser